1. 负责机械装配;
2. 生产工艺文件准备,熟悉相关装配图及其BOM表;
3. 零件接收、核对和目测;
4. 装配中发现问题及时反馈;
5. 确保产量和质量目标的实现;
6. 完成上级委派的其他工作。
Job Description/Responsibility
1. Responsible for mechanical assembly;
2. Edit / update relative production documents, familiar with assembly drawing and BOM table;
3. Spare parts receiving, check and visual-measure;
4. Process troubleshooting;
5. Monitor and ensure process quality and maintain quality system;
6. Other responsibilities may assigned by superior.
1. 技校或以上学历,主修机械、机电或相关工程类专业;
2. 能熟练阅读机械装配图,了解各种欧标机械符号含义;
3. 有1 年及以上大型设备制造行业机械装配方面的经验优先录用;
4. 能阅读简单的英语优先录用;
5. 能根据公司的业务需求调整工作岗位或工作时间;
6. 具备良好的沟通能力和团队意识。
Job Requirement
1. Technical school or above,major in Mechanics or related engineering major.
2. Be skill in reading mechanical assembly drawing, and understand mechanic signals in European drawing.
3. One year mechanic assembly experience in machine manufacturing industry is preferred.
4. Basic English reading ability is preferred.
5. Accept job position change temporarily or working time according to company business.
6. Good communication skills and good team work spirit.